deconstructive constructs


Saturday, March 08, 2003

People put us under pressure and it's up to us whether we accept it or not.
They try to force their realities upon our lives, our lives that are so full, so crammed with details that we can't find places to put them, we can't hide them away, we can't be bothered to run, so we attempt to absorb them. And that's when we fuck up.Because their shite doesnt belong in our heads, our lives. They are just weak, and can't contain the crap in their own heads.
Why can't these sad bastards just fuck off and leave us alone?

Watch your back.

Thursday, March 06, 2003

we move in a way that is strange, like bad chess pieces we float across the squares watching our opponents fake and attack in varying forms, wishing our allies had more style and grace. why must we fall at hurdles of others' lack of imagination?
Today we try and fail. I see the picture, bigger than most, but the details explode around us.
There is no absolute, no central belief that will make us win, our feet are clay-bound and arms tied behind us, we are useless combatants that will only watch as the game unfolds and blame others for our pointless failings.
I'm tired of the toothless whisperings of other fools' power, tired of the lunacy that others believe is life, why are we surrounded by idiots and transparent characatures of people? They expect me to care about them, look after them, bother about them. But i couldn't care a toss about them, heaven knows i've fucked enough stuff up in my life why should i take the responsibilty of their sad fucked up lives on my shoulders? Will they thank me if i save them? Will they even remember? and will i give a flying fuck?
I say no, it's time for freedom, again.
Sorry, mental blip.
What's this shite? Artists against Aids? as opposed to what? Artists quite in favour of aids? Artists who think aids might be not so bad? Artists who have no idea what aids is about because they live in ivory towers but think it will sell more records? How absolutely fucking crap is all this... waht next, Dying African Babies against aids? Sad poetry writing tennagers agianst aids? Pathetic losers who used to listen to The Smiths against Aids.... shoot the fucking lot of them I say

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

I read Mr.Apathy's blog with some interest, again he has touched on one of my own favourite topics, that of spontaneous combusting israelies. I see on the news that another 15 of the blighters exploded in a bus last night. Isn't there some way we can harness this power? At the very least we could send a few on package tours to Mr Bush and Mr Hussein instead of wasting them in small spaceships and dusty backwaters in the middle east that no one gives a fuck about.
I am strangely troubled since Plastered revealed his deadly secret, that he is a closet catholic. Yee gods, are there no ends to his stupidity?
Dreamt of baby lambs again last night, all tighly rolled up in mint sauce, what a super dream that one is and a welcome respite from the 200 Italians brandishing salamis and chanting "Man food" as they pursue me through the streets of Rome.

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Good morning world. I was interested to see the Americans' reaction to North Korea sending up four jets to "assist" them out of their air space. I think it's a bit rough the U.S. attempting some kind of moral indignation in the military area given that they have half a million troops sunning themselves in Saddam's back yard at the moment, just in case he gets feisty...
Today I'm feeling fine, South Africa and England are both out of the cricket leaving me free to cheer on the aussies and probably get my head nailed to the floor by some moustachioed afrikaaner.
Afrikaans now there's something you can really get to hate. Sounds like someone gurgling a frog then spitiing it out and pretending it's a language. And they're always going on about Afrikaans heritage...the fuvcking language is barely a hundered years old, heritage, there's more heritage the U.S. and lets face it they're a bunch of unhistoried cunts as well.
And biltong? what's that all about? They take the amiable little national emblem, a springbok, and shave slices off its' arse and pretend it's some kind of snack... only thing it's useful for is stirring the pig swill they they think is beer. Arseheads.
and then i get an sms from enemabag telling me he's stuck in traffic and will be late, this after he's already well fucking late as it is....

Monday, March 03, 2003

you know what i hate?
People. Fucking people.
I'm tired of people using me and then fucking me up. I'm tired of people making plans and then backing out at the last minute.
I'm really fucked off with the world. I wonder how other people get by, I mean people like my gardener, the poor fucker works 7 days a week in other people's gardens for a pittance, well that's all i pay the cunt anyway. Still he does retaliate by eating my plants. Well i reckon he does either that or he's digging them up and flogging them to my neighbours. Come to think of it that Japanese maple tree next door looks familiar.
And yesterday the same neighbour tried to engage me in conversation about the forthcoming conflict in Iraq, like i care a fuck about anything she thinks in her stupid fat working mother head. Christ I was dying for a piss, there was that Shania Twain video in the desert on TV and she thinks I somehow need to waste my valuable weekend time discussing baby politics with her. What is the fucking world coming too?
everywhere I look there are flaming children. Why isnt there some kind of baby tax in the world? Can't we put the little fuckers to work somewhere? My shoes definetly could do with a shine for a start.
and what's all this with greatest hits cds? there are bands I've just about come terms with existing pumping out greatest hits stuff..and this idea of big stars singing their old songs with some nerdy new bunch of twots, Elton John, a man who once covered the Who's Pinball Wizard, a queen graced by her majesty herself with a knighthood, or wa it damehood? And now he's rehashing one of his old songs with some band called Twats or some such crap. Come on sir elton, play the white man.

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