deconstructive constructs


Thursday, March 25, 2004

So I read that life goes on... an interesting concept. Actually i am more rested and laid back than i have been for years. Oh, and panic-ridden, haha

Hmmm.... some useful phrases you can pick up for career change moments... "i don't think we can afford you" (Fuck off). "You've got too much/ not enough experience for us"
(Fuck off). "I'll keep your name on file for freelance" (Fuck off now). and my personal favourite "I have to see a few more people yet..." (Are you still fucking here).

So Mr blair is kissing Lybian ass today, that guy sure gets about, wonder if he gets frequent flier miles?
People are moaning that I haven't been ringing them lately... errrr...did I ever?

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

if one more person says "thinking outside the box" to me i swear I'll scream. seems to me that Sky Newsand the BBc (and of course CNN) are using odd language. When a bunch of Yids explode carelessly in a street it is "assasination". When boss Yid himself blows the big Palestinian away it's "a military incursion".... this crap has got to stop. Not the bombing of course, fuck no, let's blow them all away.

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