deconstructive constructs


Friday, July 30, 2004

The truth about frogs is depressingly sobering. They are, so it seems, after all, animals.

And that means the bangers up the arse on bonfire night is really a bad thing… what about rabbits, are they animals too?

And women?

Well there goes all my November 5th fun. Damn this PC existence.


Some fuck arse client has arranged a meeting at
3.30pm. On a Friday. For fuck’s sake.

I worry for civilisation.

And Elk.

Well John Kerry then. Did ok.
Except for that salute and “reporting for duty” shite.
Still could be worse.

I still have a car sticker someone sent me from America
When Bush senior was going for re-election, it says,
“Lick Bush in ‘92”. An admirable ambition which could do
With a bit of reviving.

I hear that enemabagjones has been mercilessly excluded from
the big trip to Malaysia, sending the monkey but not the organ
grinder, tsk (sorry fatty).

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

So old enemabag is going for the get fit thing…odd at his age it could just be fatal.
And that would leave his children dad-less… is this fair? What a selfish rotter.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

What is it that drives us on? Fear of reprisal?
The offer of casual yet surreal sex from strangers in supermarkets?
I have a friend, no honest I do, who thinks it’s fear of being laughed at by
people in the street. But I think that’s too obvious.

Sarcasm, I think it might be sarcasm that drives me on, that and the urge
to insult as many people as possible on a daily basis.

Americans? I just don't get them. They're even dumber than the Yids.

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