deconstructive constructs


Monday, July 05, 2004

Today. What a time we are having… my computer seems to having personality problems, for a start whenever I ask it to do something it asks me am I sure? I hate that, when I tell someone to do something I mean do it. Now. Don’t fucking question me.

Nice to see Serena big mouth got her arse kicked so decisively on Saturday… and by a 6 foot horny blonde, sport is looking up.

Although the Greeks winning Euro 2004 is obviously just ridiculous, I think they should get back to shovelling Sheftalia as soon as possible.

Been reading Mr Clintons wittily titled autobiography. I haven’t bought it but I’ve been camping out in the local bookstore and generally making a nuisance of myself with any female that passes. Oh, that was him not me, confusing.
Self-discovery is a big issue with me at the moment. Just this morning I discovered I’d popped unknowingly into my fridge in the night and eaten a whole plate of leftover Thai food and drunk a bottle of Smirnoff.

I have a client who is very demanding, for instance he keeps demanding that I work for the retainer he has promised us. Damned cheek I reckon.What on earth is the point of being a work-shy fop if you suddenly have to actually work?
Caterpillars? what the fuck?

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