deconstructive constructs


Sunday, November 13, 2005

lately I've been behaving badly to my friends. Oddly they all seem to think it's an individual thing and are taking it rather personally. Of course it's just that I'm fed up with the world, again.
The sun is shining, the bastard. Just when I had determined to seal myself in a bad mood for the day that fucking sun has to come out all shiny and bright. That's what I miss about Londres, you could have a real good bad mood day in November and blame it on the Stevie Wonder once put it.
And let's face it, the sad old bastard has never even seen it, it might be just his mates shining sun lamps on him for a joke.
I went to my Godson-Non-Godson's christmas concert on saturday. You've got to love this guy. All around him are screaming kids, crying, singing generally being the little obnoxious cunts that they always are. And him, bless his cotton socks, he's standing dead centre stage with his arms held at his side in his attack stance, glaring at a thousand fucked up parents. And, he's dressed as a fucking cow. The parents are beating each other to death to get videos and digital shots of their own off-spring, they're miming the movements that their particular sad bastard is supposed to do, so the audience is packed with supposed grown-ups swinging arms like elephant trunks, pawing the ground, flapping their arms and generally behaving very badly.
It was a hoot. Although I suspect in my case for the wrong reasons entirely.
But the Godson-non-Godson was very cool, a scornful static cow staring down the baying crowds.


At 11/14/2005, Blogger Foxsden said...

God you hit the nail on the head with that kids concert description. I fucking hate parents that go completely gay over their kids.


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