deconstructive constructs


Monday, September 19, 2005

I was at a Jerry Springer party on Saturday, (that is my ex, her bloke, his ex get the idea).
Anyway it was quite a hoot, except for all the children. God. We hates them...
It was pleasant, the vodka flowed nicely, the food was epic and conversation was amusing. There was just enough crap talked to keep me awake and it was a warm evening. And a girl asked for my number. I've known her for ages so this took me rather by surprise, i think it was the drink. Maybe. Odd.


At 9/20/2005, Blogger Foxsden said...

The badgers set her up to it.

'Set' - See what i did there?! comedy genius

At 9/24/2005, Blogger FULLMETALWRITER said...

haha you could be right but she did look attrctive clutching that halibut


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