deconstructive constructs


Thursday, March 20, 2003

kerpow batman.... take that you iraqi aresheads.... booom chakalaka boommmm...
Now then all you greeks, chinese, pakistanis and especially frogs and krauts, stop fucking whinging. you'll all get your share of the oil. Nice to see Saddam has chosen to attack his old mates in Kuwait first, nice touch. I wonder if the Iraqis will shit all over their own houses and palaces before they run away like they did in Kuwait?
"...Out from your palaces you princes, you kings, ...out from your churches, you clergy you christ, I'll neither live nor die for your dreams, ...I'll make no subscription to your paradise..."

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

20 odd hours and counting. Mr Blair survived the no vote by the bunny hugging back stabbing cunts he calls friends, I suggest he gets his house in order soon. That sad wanker from the Lib Dems wanked off about illegality and morality... morality? For fucks sake he stretches credibility to the n th degree.
The US army have said that we will be getting live feeds of cameras from 80% of their smart bombs from day 1, what a treat, all those exploding children and disintergrating hospitals... hurray. Must get a TV for my office.
On a sadder note I see the French are still filling their pants and crying "Le foul play" , Jesus we should take everyone of them and strap them to a primed Israeli.

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

so georgie says that there will be nomurder squads, rape rooms or torture chambers after he's killed everyone in Iraq. well who thefuck will want to live there then? we can always move the hippie wastrels there and maybe the french.
45 hours and counting, wonder who's fingers george is using to count?
At least tv will look up, you can already see the sky journalists getting ready for a good shelling, all looking for the best visuals...
I think it's likely that Sky will win the war, CNN are just to yankee and biased, BBC will take the humanitarian "oh dear here we go again" stance, butonly Sky will see the inherent humour and keep reading out pointless emails from the front lines and searching for those exciting stories like little johnny who's both parents are on the front line.
Still this afternoon should be fun when all the peacenicks start picking on mr blair in the Commons. If he was smart he'd announce a unilateral british attack starting before the debate thusavoiding all the whinging wankers.

Monday, March 17, 2003

I wonder. life is just a thought that drifted across the mind of the great genie.
Ants, now there's a concept. small irritating little fuckers that get everywhere and annoy the shit out of you, must be French.
I think we should kill the french, after all, what good are they? And the Swiss, and probably the Belgians, although that's no totally clear at the moment owing to my liking of a small restaurant there that i once shagged in at college.
Are the Germans mad? I mean, they start wars all over the place, randomly bullying stupid people like the Jews and then when we give them a legitimate chance to go fuck some Arabs they roll over and play dead.
I see there are more explosive Isrealies about again, this time it's a couple who walked into a church with a rifle and a stomach full of explosives. Let them blow I say, what fucking use are they anyway? And they might just blow up a couple of dozen of their Yiddy mates.
Mondays, manic my arse.

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