deconstructive constructs


Monday, March 17, 2003

I wonder. life is just a thought that drifted across the mind of the great genie.
Ants, now there's a concept. small irritating little fuckers that get everywhere and annoy the shit out of you, must be French.
I think we should kill the french, after all, what good are they? And the Swiss, and probably the Belgians, although that's no totally clear at the moment owing to my liking of a small restaurant there that i once shagged in at college.
Are the Germans mad? I mean, they start wars all over the place, randomly bullying stupid people like the Jews and then when we give them a legitimate chance to go fuck some Arabs they roll over and play dead.
I see there are more explosive Isrealies about again, this time it's a couple who walked into a church with a rifle and a stomach full of explosives. Let them blow I say, what fucking use are they anyway? And they might just blow up a couple of dozen of their Yiddy mates.
Mondays, manic my arse.


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