deconstructive constructs


Tuesday, March 11, 2003

The chinese have a saying, "egg flied lice two times..." , no, seriously though, they have a curse which goes, "May you live in interesting times". You know sometimes the yellow peril knows what it's babbling on about. Interesting times mean more shit and more shit is a bad thing, a very bad thing. And shit sticks. Like peanut butter in your pubic hair. Or strawberry jam up your arse.

What is wrong with Tony Blair anyway. Sure he came to power as "new labour" and the caring face of politics, but fuck me, now he's decided to go kick Ayrab ass why doesnt he just get on and do it, no one really cares, a few dozen frogs and a bunch of war mongoring krauts. Let's face it, the frogs will just change sides and cry anyway and the krauts are just pissed off because they didn't think of it first.(And they're crap at war...2-0, 2-0, 2-0).
And what's all this about the Welsh ministers again, once more raises their ugly bottoms. Bugger me, if you'll excuse the pun, but this guy gets hoyed out of the election race to be welsh first minister, an odd idea at the best of times, for sucking dick in london. THen he goes and does it in a toilet, what is he, politics' answer to george fucking michael.
Wipe 'em out I say, hangings too good for these sad fag bastards, kill them and kill them now before this evil plague spreads any further.
that's all


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