deconstructive constructs


Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Good morning world. I was interested to see the Americans' reaction to North Korea sending up four jets to "assist" them out of their air space. I think it's a bit rough the U.S. attempting some kind of moral indignation in the military area given that they have half a million troops sunning themselves in Saddam's back yard at the moment, just in case he gets feisty...
Today I'm feeling fine, South Africa and England are both out of the cricket leaving me free to cheer on the aussies and probably get my head nailed to the floor by some moustachioed afrikaaner.
Afrikaans now there's something you can really get to hate. Sounds like someone gurgling a frog then spitiing it out and pretending it's a language. And they're always going on about Afrikaans heritage...the fuvcking language is barely a hundered years old, heritage, there's more heritage the U.S. and lets face it they're a bunch of unhistoried cunts as well.
And biltong? what's that all about? They take the amiable little national emblem, a springbok, and shave slices off its' arse and pretend it's some kind of snack... only thing it's useful for is stirring the pig swill they they think is beer. Arseheads.
and then i get an sms from enemabag telling me he's stuck in traffic and will be late, this after he's already well fucking late as it is....


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