deconstructive constructs


Wednesday, March 05, 2003

I read Mr.Apathy's blog with some interest, again he has touched on one of my own favourite topics, that of spontaneous combusting israelies. I see on the news that another 15 of the blighters exploded in a bus last night. Isn't there some way we can harness this power? At the very least we could send a few on package tours to Mr Bush and Mr Hussein instead of wasting them in small spaceships and dusty backwaters in the middle east that no one gives a fuck about.
I am strangely troubled since Plastered revealed his deadly secret, that he is a closet catholic. Yee gods, are there no ends to his stupidity?
Dreamt of baby lambs again last night, all tighly rolled up in mint sauce, what a super dream that one is and a welcome respite from the 200 Italians brandishing salamis and chanting "Man food" as they pursue me through the streets of Rome.


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