deconstructive constructs


Thursday, March 06, 2003

we move in a way that is strange, like bad chess pieces we float across the squares watching our opponents fake and attack in varying forms, wishing our allies had more style and grace. why must we fall at hurdles of others' lack of imagination?
Today we try and fail. I see the picture, bigger than most, but the details explode around us.
There is no absolute, no central belief that will make us win, our feet are clay-bound and arms tied behind us, we are useless combatants that will only watch as the game unfolds and blame others for our pointless failings.
I'm tired of the toothless whisperings of other fools' power, tired of the lunacy that others believe is life, why are we surrounded by idiots and transparent characatures of people? They expect me to care about them, look after them, bother about them. But i couldn't care a toss about them, heaven knows i've fucked enough stuff up in my life why should i take the responsibilty of their sad fucked up lives on my shoulders? Will they thank me if i save them? Will they even remember? and will i give a flying fuck?
I say no, it's time for freedom, again.
Sorry, mental blip.
What's this shite? Artists against Aids? as opposed to what? Artists quite in favour of aids? Artists who think aids might be not so bad? Artists who have no idea what aids is about because they live in ivory towers but think it will sell more records? How absolutely fucking crap is all this... waht next, Dying African Babies against aids? Sad poetry writing tennagers agianst aids? Pathetic losers who used to listen to The Smiths against Aids.... shoot the fucking lot of them I say


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