deconstructive constructs


Saturday, March 15, 2003

recent events seem to be hovering on the edge of my consciousness. Agression at work seems a useless emotion, too many people are full of shit for it to be of any benefit. Then again a little anger does throw a situation into anew curve. Why are women such bimbos? I mean they are useless, they don't do their menial jobs right, heaven knows we've let them into our work places and talked about empowerment and equality, but to what end? When will they find time to cook my dinner, not any of the bitches can actually cook these days, throwing pasta into a pan of water and covering it with a jar of red sauce is not cooking.
So arsenal were beaten badly by some shit kickers, again. they really don't deserve to win anything this year except for world's most expensive bunch of losers. And while i'm talking football someone really should sack that cunt fergerson, even when they score he's a miserable cunt.
sad bastards in office convince me to play a network golf game with them, every time i hit the ball mr apathy screams "lay up", hasn't he even seen Tin Cup? laying up is for wimps.


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