deconstructive constructs


Tuesday, March 18, 2003

so georgie says that there will be nomurder squads, rape rooms or torture chambers after he's killed everyone in Iraq. well who thefuck will want to live there then? we can always move the hippie wastrels there and maybe the french.
45 hours and counting, wonder who's fingers george is using to count?
At least tv will look up, you can already see the sky journalists getting ready for a good shelling, all looking for the best visuals...
I think it's likely that Sky will win the war, CNN are just to yankee and biased, BBC will take the humanitarian "oh dear here we go again" stance, butonly Sky will see the inherent humour and keep reading out pointless emails from the front lines and searching for those exciting stories like little johnny who's both parents are on the front line.
Still this afternoon should be fun when all the peacenicks start picking on mr blair in the Commons. If he was smart he'd announce a unilateral british attack starting before the debate thusavoiding all the whinging wankers.


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