deconstructive constructs


Monday, March 19, 2007 started in my head, behind my eyes, but now it's migrated down my back. To my arse, actually.
I know the cause of it. saturday night a whole bunch of black guys had a huge party next door, not that it was their house, they just tied up the woman who lives there and drank her booze and partied till dawn to her music, mostly country and western, an interesting sight.
South Africa tires me, I feel the call of the open road, again. It's very tiring this wanderlust thing.
The badgers are making overtures to return, Flounders and halibut on the doorstep in the morning, night long serenades and good old-fashioned cod-slapping dances. It's all so reminiscent of the 20th century. ~Sigh.


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