deconstructive constructs


Friday, December 12, 2003

as a last fling at blogging before he goes off to be bored shitless by his family for christmas Enemabag.jones has launched an indiscrete probe into my sex life.
He'll get no information from me. Or her.
On a happier note someone has been stealing stuff from the offices, in that caring South African way everyone is blaming the black cleaning staff...

Last night's pizza is punching back... lunch with clients yesterday was starlingly dull, even if I could have understood the fucking crappy Afrikaans chatter I would have been dull. Instead I spent a few happy hours taunting the devil because he doesn't drink and subtly insulting the client and my MD. You get your fun where you can.

I am in happy mood today and think the badgers are scratching at my door, again.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

"So many times, it happens so fast, you trade your passion for glory..." Or not.

Increasingly I'm becoming addicted to other people's web sites. This is obviously just acute laziness so i won't have to blog myself anymore. I'm particularly attracted to, a psycho-bitch ranting from Belgium of all places.
Mugabe slams "global inequity" says the BBC headline today... someone should slam that twat into the next life, although god help us all if there is a next one.

Having eaten 4 habanjeros last night I feel decidedly unsettled today, just the thing before a long meeting.

Easter soon.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Dilemas dilemas... I hate getting up early but can't seem to stop it. Too often of late the going to bed time and the getting out of bed time have been precariously close.
I have an aquaintance who claims that from Januaury he is going to start looking at women as something other than sex objects. What I wonder? Cooks? Fish? Objects of derision?

I yearn for Whitby Cod & Chips... sad.
Today I am mostly wearing French Connection. From a little shop in Crouch End that trendy epicentre of the great sprawl that is London.

I hate Christmas, why do we have to do it? Every year we are told we can't send out Xmas wishes to all out clients as some of them are rag heads and Yids etc. This doesn't appear to stop them taking the time off work I notice.

I smell a rat. What on earth does this mean? Why not I smell an aardvark? or I smell an anchovy? And please, don't give me some Discovery Channel answer as to why we say this.

Wouldn't Kevin have had a better career if he had filmed the epic, "Dances with Badgers" instead of that pathetic wolf thing? I know one or two badger appreciators who who have queued all night in the rain to get first tickets to that little beauty.

Monday, December 08, 2003

The master jester is at play in my life again. Things that should be easy are suddenly collapsing and old habits are once more dying hard.
Yesterday's pizza comes back to haunt me and I feel that our hearts are not in this venture.
The world seems to be spinning slower today, a thought that gives me pause for self reflection.

People believe it's all black and white, either we do one thing or another, but it's all easy to them. They are of course full of shit.

Sometimes I'm sure that The Beatles wouldn't have gone as far if they were called The Weavils. I see Mr McCartney has remastered some of the old tracks, you know the ones mastered by one of the best producers ever. I think young Paul needs to sit down and consider the huge arrogance of his move. John will be revolving slowly in his grave.

Sunday, December 07, 2003

why do i hate people so much? I loath their pretences, their self confident always right about fucking everything stance.
There's no sense in the modern world, people drift into relationships then find they are unhappy and wonder why... have they never heard the phrase "look before you leap?".
As some git once said "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation." or maybe "Most men leave wives in quiet desperation..."

The americans have exploded several small Iraqi children all over the place. The world goes mad. Why? No one gave a flying fuck when they nailed the UN Ambassador, a man who had given over 30 years service to peace in the world. But kill a few baby sand niggers and that's it. For fucks sake, what good are children anyway? Can they carry beer from the fridge? No, can they go to macdonalds? No. And they're lousy fucks too.

The insects are back and demanding to see the president, I've told them it's a waste of time, he'd only try his crappy silent diplomacy on them.

Mugabe. What is that twat on? Does he really think that leaving the Commonwealth will save him? Now the US can wup his nigger ass to hell without fear of the commonwealthians tutting and shaking their heads in dismay. Let's give Rhodesia back to Whitey... at least they can build proper tobacco plantations.

Last night I had a screaming fit and ending up punching a pizza. That'll teach the fucking Italians.

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