deconstructive constructs


Monday, December 08, 2003

The master jester is at play in my life again. Things that should be easy are suddenly collapsing and old habits are once more dying hard.
Yesterday's pizza comes back to haunt me and I feel that our hearts are not in this venture.
The world seems to be spinning slower today, a thought that gives me pause for self reflection.

People believe it's all black and white, either we do one thing or another, but it's all easy to them. They are of course full of shit.

Sometimes I'm sure that The Beatles wouldn't have gone as far if they were called The Weavils. I see Mr McCartney has remastered some of the old tracks, you know the ones mastered by one of the best producers ever. I think young Paul needs to sit down and consider the huge arrogance of his move. John will be revolving slowly in his grave.


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