deconstructive constructs


Tuesday, November 25, 2003

and... where have all the smart people gone? This universal dumbing down is getting out of hand.
I work with several people I wouldn't trust to sit the right way on a toilet seat, and at least one of them is a gay bottom stabbing type with no right to breathe god's clean air.
I mean, would Elvis have got as far as he did if he was an arse bandit? I doubt it very much.
I'm growing to hate the uncertainty of my days, every morning I wake up to find myself indescribably bored shitless, and as the day progresses it grows like a nasty mushroom under the fridge.
Currently my mind is turning the the subject of grapes. How do they get the seeds out of them? I came across a olive stone remover at the weekend, it fairly shook me up i can tell you.
Did you ever think life would come to this, carelessly fondling chrome objects in strange department stores idly worrying about the succession to the British Throne.


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