deconstructive constructs


Wednesday, November 19, 2003

I had a dream last night where in a post nuclear holocost landscape i stumbled upon what seemed to be dead children wrapped inside 2 foot long condoms... I don't know what was more frightening, all those dead kids or the thought of a two foot condom.
Penis envy? What's that about then? Why would someone envy something that spends most of its time stuffed in someone's hot trousers only to be whipped out to spray one of two types of liquid either into porcelain objects or small dark holes smelling of hot anchovy? (Or shit in Chris's case.... odd
Pesto. pointless.
I'm worried about the Ozone layer, as an empiricist I demand visual confirmation of its existence, but if it's disappearing anyway what's the point?
George Bush is staying at Buck House with the Queen... must be rivetting dinner chat. And then a quick gay shag with the Prince of Wales, allegedly.
When people brief you shouldn't it be brief? Why do i end up in endless meeting full of self important twats who love their own voices rambling on about fucking intrinsics, extrinsics and human cunting truths.
You know what I mean?


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