deconstructive constructs


Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Today I am thinking mostly red thoughts.
I remember when I was at college a friend of mine would think a different colour each day. This was fine until he started wearing all that colour in clothing culminating in dying his hair yellow, not nice.
I think many of my collegues are full of shite, and this is not as small a thing as it sounds. This excrement oozes from their orifices at an alarming rate until quite quickly they can stink up the whole room with psuedo phrases and platitudes which mean as little as their facile smiles and odorous petty politics.
They are scum and should be nailed to roof and force fed buckets of reindeer bile and avocado dip.
There's a lot to be said for elephants.

Watching ftv this morning I was once again amazed by the comely attributes of Adriana Lima, she may be as Brazilian as a coffee bean in a thong but she sure shimmies down the catwalk with a certain something. Or two somethings.

The dollar has collapsed aginst the pound again which is good as it might stop those lardarse yankees wandering outside their own national boundaries for a while, which can only be a good thing.
I was somewhat taken aback to find the badgers helping themselves to my Rice Krispies this morning, especially as there was a box of Frosties sitting next to them, odd tastes your badger it would appear, still, at least they didn't steal all the milk.

I had an apple last night.


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