deconstructive constructs


Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Watched "The Aviator" last night. Nice enough. But why do the Americans have to sanitize history?
The film ends just as Mr Hughes is going loony toones on us. So all the interesting speculation about how long he lived, where he lived etc was just left out and we got a lot of shots of dear old Leonardo doing his utmost to look mad. Which comes across as a kind of "Hey who pinched my coffee?" kind of look. The irritating twat who plays Spencer Tracy's main squeeze is really annoying, then again she was in real life so maybe it's just good acting? Fuck knows. Anyway, he was obviously barking and therefore deserves great praise as being that oddity, an american with a personality.
The schools in England are talking of banning mobile phones. Just because a few pansy-arse gits have been happy slapped on video. Good god, when I were a young lad, before there were proper toys that needed batteries, we were forever being kicked shite out of by our elders, from parents on down. Now there are laws against it, for god's sake.
I reckon those simpy lefties who now rule Brittania were all toyed with at school and are taking revenge by saddling the country with unworkable laws. I mean, how can you ban that cornerstone of english life, the happy hour? It's Un-British that's what it is.

And now young Tony is jetting back from G.W. land with a promise from the big Yawn to "give aid in African countries where we feel they deserve it". Well, thanks dad, can we have our pocket money early this week please?

Still, it does mean that that syphilis wracked Mugabe will once again be left with his dick in his hand. Shame about his people, but hey, that's tough love for you.

I think it's a crying shame that Howard Hughes never ran for office, at least you know where you are with a real fruitcake.


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