deconstructive constructs


Monday, June 06, 2005

I've been taking these marvellous drugs lately as my Doc is of the opinion i have bronchial pnuemonia, again. Seems one of us is fucking up here, every few months they feed me drugs, not necessarily a bad thing, and i recover. But here's the thing, do I?
If so, how can i keep getting the same thing? Odd.
Anyway, basically these drugs lay you out like you'vebeen twatted by a skinny Manchurian and you spend an innordinate amount of time humming pleasant tunes to yourself and generally being very happy with general events. And then you roll on your back hold your stomach that appears to contain a bucket of razors and vomit copiously over anything and everything, sorry badger.
And do i breathe any better? Do i fuck. And i can't drink... as young Scott Fitzgerald once observed the world has a lot more greys and less colours when sober. I do not recommend this. Sobriety is for sad people who believe they can manage in the world and that their pitiful existence somehow is an example to others. Arseholes, I believe they are called.
A friend of mine in Frankfurt sms'd me last night to tell me he had hired a Porsch 911 and filled it with vodka and hookers. It's just not right, how can someone in Germany have more fun than me?

Ethelred the Unready. What was he unready for? Lunch? Life? or being saddled with a crap name?

Evidently Mikey J is having health problems before his up-coming stint in a US prison for bum fondling kids and making them drink "Jesus juice".
I must say he lost all my respect when I heard that. What sort of sad fucker makes up names to hide his drinking habit? Jesus Juice indeed, tsk that's Bad.

Still, if he's bound for chokey I can recommend some decent drugs to get him through it.


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