deconstructive constructs


Monday, May 16, 2005

It's may 16th. is this relevant? fuck knows.

My brain hurts. Or at least the space where my brain should reside is giving me trouble.
I had to stop going to see my therapist, mainly because I was beginning to tell her the truth and that seemed to be a place I definitely didn’t want to be.
Also because her response to my oft said "But doesn’t every normal person think that way?" Had migrated from, "it depends on your concept of normal", to ", No".

running your own agency has it's up-sides. I can show myself my work and not have some cretin change it. And there are no "suits" to deal with.
However, you have to rely upon your own judgement and that can be downright wobbly.
There's a girl I know, no really, she's rather cute, she wants me to start touching her, (her words), I have tried to but keep getting flashes of where such things have led in the past and thus distracted.
She thinks I'm playing hard to get, I reckon I'm playing impossible. Of course this means restricting my alcohol intake in her presence, just in case.
I just know that if I give in there'll be tampons in the bathroom cupboard in the morning and she'll need "just one drawer" in my bedroom... slippery, the slope of intercourse.

My pool is going green, again. It's reflecting my new Japanese garden. I was going to call it a Feng Shui garden but I can't pronounce it without making people laugh and having strangers cross rooms to slap me.
Anyway, Bush is in the whitehouse, blair in downing st, and Mbeki in a home for sad black people who think they can tie their own shoelaces then trip over them.

The badgers are frollicking in the jelly pit again and I haven't the stamina to lick them clean.


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