deconstructive constructs


Monday, June 06, 2005

Something has been bothering me for a while now.
Sky News.
Yes I know, they win "best news prog" every year, but they're not a news programme really.
They are, of course, God.
I know they're God because everytime I force myself to watch them they are there, hovering above us poor normals, and, god help them, "The Media".
This is what pisses me off.
The Sky reporter is easily recognised anywhere, Mickey J's trial, the fall of Baghdad, the beaches after the Tsunami... there they are, and ALWAYS... they say this:
"Hi, this fat tart from Sky News being pointless and patronising from the scene of some terrible incident", (fair enough), but then..."We're here surrounded by a media circus as reporters from all over the world try to get a shot of the "body, hero, fat guy, famous girl, miracle dog" (insert your own here, as it were).

Do you see what I mean?

They are always refering to their fellow media jerks as "a media circus," or "Hundreds of the worlds' media"... implying that that they, our lords of the Sky, are somehow above the rest of the blood-sucking, Princess Di killing, shit sucking swine.
it kinda fucks me off.

In the garden the badgers are busy welding pieces of garden furniture together, but I'm pointedly refusing to ask them about it.

I often wish i'd been a welder, or a sparky, that's where the big money is... ho hum, should have known my careers advisor was lying when he sent me off to college to "round off my education".
Twat, probably pissing himself laughing, bet he worked nights as a plumber.

Well, I'm off to do some more work, just another ad man in a world of confused, wistful dabblers...


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