deconstructive constructs


Friday, June 10, 2005

Another day and Mickey J is still a free man. I'm taking bets on the jury not being able to reach a unanamous decision which in California, means he gets off, home to have a light supper of Jesus juice and young boy's bottom.
Which is fair enough I suppose. Actually, I think he will leap into his huge car and zip off to the airport and then to pastures unknown, anywhere the dozy yanks can't find him. Which is anywhere outside of the U.S. as most of them don't believe there is a world outside of their dear shit-kicking homeland. And let's face it there hardly is anymore.

I'm worried about the badgers. Came home in the dark last night after a evening of gargling alcohol with young Paul only to find the badgers marching in the garden holding aloft placards demanding the dethroning and immediate imprisonment of Jacob Zuma.
Well, I was astonished. I didn't know the little dears kept up with local politics. Sadly i had to sit them down, over a small plate of various grubs and macdonald burgers, and tell them there was no chance of their wishes being granted now that his Uberlord mr mandela, sir, has come out in support of the pathetic vice-president. Boy these darkies stick together. Alternatively there is a certain faction who believe Zuma just knows where too many bodies are buried. Probably literally.

I'm currently setting up a Sunday lunch club for friends. It's supposed to be a sort of Breakfast Club meets Food TV, but i think it'll end up more of a Jerry Springer club.

My larger dog just farted, very bad, but then she looks at me like "you bastard", and moves away... maybe it was me? God self doubt is dangerous.

Enemabagjones is once again shackled to the holy advertising Rand at the dodgy Publicis agency, actually i'm quite jealous, it's one of the few agencies still run by alcohol and vitriol in equal parts.

Business-wise we've had a splendid week selling three new campaigns to 3 clients. Obviously that's why i'm so fucked off.
I need a holiday.
Wonder if there's any rooms going at Neverland, i hear they do a nice line in porn and rollercoaster rides. Weeeeeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh.


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