deconstructive constructs


Wednesday, March 26, 2003

They say that when you die the gods or god that you have spent your snivelling life grovelling to will welcome you and give you eternal grace sitting at his feet. Well that's just shite isn't it. What sort of rubbish is that, you wait your whole life kissing some imaginary arse only to be patronised for all eternity. Only a fool or a self deluding lunatic would believe such pathetic idiocies.

And why are people with children so smug? What, one sperm out of zillions spent on pathetic relationships over god knows how many years finally makes to the holy grail and these pricks become self-inflated walking egos, like they had something to do with it. And then, whenever someone who hasn't had the misfortune to tie himself down to one impregnated cow for life, dares to criticise the pathetic spawn of these sad bastards they are villified as if the worse thing you can do is have a go at their poisonous loutish off-spring. I hate children. There, you see I've said it, the only good child is a dead one. So come on you self righteous parental cunts, have a go.


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