deconstructive constructs


Wednesday, February 12, 2003

and today I'm not happy. Everyone is out to get me and keep telling me I'm paranoid, which is crap. I'm just a tad worried about the world. I mean say if the fucking americans do attack saddam in their decadely war of wonder. Who will it affect? Not me. I don't give a fuck if they kill each other. I am however, a bit tense about the fate of the spiney anteater in South America. What with the diminishing supply of ants in the southern hemisphere, (an event curiously undocumented), these poor little chaps are falling over themselves trying to find an alternate food source. I think Americans would be a good idea, only if finely minced of course, or maybe Israelies, who lets face it are mostly blowing up and leaving bloody messes everywhere anyway. They could easily be scooped up and sent in aid parcels to these devastated and noble beasts. Alternatively we could send the South African government to blunder pointlessly around and totally fuck things up, something they are very adept at and maybe we could liquidise Mr Mbeki's brain and make a very small milkshake.


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