deconstructive constructs


Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Well, here we are again, stirred by the cunning writing skills of old enemabag I have decided to have a blog.
To touch on an old favourite topic I see that those naughty little explosive Isrealies have been at it again. I'm getting troubled by their downright thuggery in Palestine, now don't get me wrong I hate the ragheads as much as the next god-fearing westerner but I do think that finding yourself sitting next to a bunch of self igniting yids when you thought you were safely tucked up in your holding camp is a bit rich. ..we told you they were tricksey...
On the home front a touch of serious apathy has set in and i can hardly be bothered to call my neighbour a whinging cunt anymore.
This seriously demented loon actually thought I was going to have my dogs' voice boxes removed because the barking disturbes his pointless wife. (She looks like a good fucking kicking wouldnt disturb her actually). Anyway, in the end we reached an amicable settlement when I told him I would shoot his wife and arsefuck his cute little children if he even looked at my dogds again. moron.


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