deconstructive constructs


Monday, June 07, 2004

I'm worried. Again.
I haven't seen Mr Apathy for ages and I think he's avoiding me. Then again as I haven't left the locale of my house for so long maybe I'm avoiding him. My main worry is that I might miss this years I.T. joke and have to wait till next year for another.
Enemabag Jones seems in good form, his hypocondria is rearing its head again and I'm sure this means he's up for a new Fad soon... The I-Pod sounds like his kind of thing although my money is on a Laptop.
I had an SMS from the Wop, he's a strange cove and it worries me that he still thinks of me. Dark thoughts appear.
I'm moving house and the badgers are hinting at coming along for the ride... and bringing their own peanut butter. Sheesh.


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