deconstructive constructs


Monday, February 03, 2003

and then, just when you think it's all going to be okay and we'll all end up sitting on our rocking chairs like grandpa walton, Mr fucking I'm so cool Blair flies off to Paris to meet the French twat and try and convince them to try and fight properly this time, sheesh there's more chance of convincing the Italians not to change sides and stab us all in the back, again.
Bad enough he spent the weekend kissing Mbeki's sorry arse. Good god man, be a man. If you want a war go start one. Bastard Labour wimps, we never had this problem under dear old Mrs Thatcher.

and another thing, why do all the wankers drive small white cars? Is this a dick thing? Every morning it's the same, driving down the road and there, two inches from my arse, is a small dented white golf or some other dinky car. Revving it's engine, grinding gears and generally behaving like the world's biggest tosser. And then, if you're unlucky enough to get talking to you in a bar, they tell you how they are great drivers, too much torque not enough action matey.


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